3/25/2010 First Entry in my Blog worldWell, here goes! I've wanted to do this for a while and now I think I'm ready. This is spring, 2010 and so far we have a momma hen and her 9 chicks. All the eggs we placed under her were green/blue and her chicks are 3 black, 5 yellow and 1 brown. They are locked up in the coop, in a BIG dog crate, as it is still snowing outside and the other hens were playing pass the chick by the leg when I tried to let them out... I saved her and locked them back up. They get great kitchen scraps and starter and fresh water every day.
This Sunday we should get a mixer to fill our grain bin with a mix of Barley, Wheat, Oats and Peas... all local and none "dessicated" although the fields were probably treated in the spring with some chemical... some day I will be able to afford organic, local feed grains but not quite yet! Vicky is still giving us 2 gallons a day and the goats are due in a week or so. They're all looking chubby. Last weekend's Seedy Sunday was a great day. We brought our goat manure and sold three bags! Good fresh stuff too. Please let us know if you want more! 3/25/2010 First Post!
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August 2020
AuthorMaryann Borch, Categories |